Our Ducks!


The Silver Appleyard Duck..

The  Livestock Conservancy says, "The Silver Appleyard is a large, sturdily built duck that weighs between 8-9 pounds. This breed's carriage varies from 15 to 25 degrees above horizontal and its body has a "blocky" conformation. The drake's bill is greenish or yellow with a black tip, his eyes are brown and his head and neck are greenish-black, sometimes exhibiting striping with age. The breast, sides, shoulders, and flank on a drake are reddish-chestnut with white frosting and lacing, his underbody is creamy or silvery white and his wings are gray and white with bright blue cross-stripe. The tail is blackish bronze, and legs and feet are orange. The female's bill is yellow or orange with a black bean, her eyes are brown and all plumage is generally whitish with gray, brown, fawn and buff markings with a blue cross-stripe on the wings. The legs and feet are orange with dark toenails.

Applyards are being raised for exhibition, pets, decoration, eggs, and gourmet roasting ducks. They are one of the best layers among the heavyweight ducks, averaging 220 to 265 white shelled eggs per year. Appleyard meat is lean and flavorful. They are active foragers with calm temperaments and will tend to stay close to home if well fed."

They are a fun breed to raise. Given to me as a gift from my youngest adult daughter I have grown to love them. They lay delicious big white eggs with sturdy firm yolks. We feed them organically so we know that they are just packed with nourishment! They contribute greatly to this farm and its fun to watch them move about.